This page displays the full list of a building portfolio currently being managed by the client in Findspace. Buildings can be sorted by Building Name, Address, No. of floors,  Rentable area,  or Listed area.

1. View Mode

View Building portfolio in either List View or Grid View.  Selecting List view displays a table with the portfolio information displayed in sortable columns:

  • Building Name and address
  • Building Type and number of floors
  • Rentable Area(of the building)
  • Listed Area and number of suites

The Grid View includes the same information in a grid format. The selection set can be sorted using the Sort Function.

This is where a building can be toggled to either published or not published.

2. Search Box

Search by city, building name or building address. Clicking on choices in dropdown will bring user to the stacking plan for selected building.

3. Portfolio Summary Display

Based on any filters selected, the portfolio screen is summarized across the top to show the number of buildings, groups and asset type. Default is to show all buildings.

4. Sort Function

Sorts the Portfolio displayed by the selected criteria.  

5. Portfolio Display Area

Depending on the view mode the screen will display the portfolio information in a List or Grid view. The "star" icon tags the building as a user favourite which can then be filtered to show only favourites. Selecting the  (Vertical Ellipsis) provides options for the user to edit the building record and include: 
  • Switching to the stacking plan for a specific building(View building)
  • Adding or removing the building from a Group
  • Archiving the record
  • Deleting the building from the portfolio

6. Portfolio Filter

Narrow down listings using the following criteria listed below. After selecting your criteria click on the update button:

  • Ownership Group
  • Groups
  • Building Type
  • City
  • Size
  • Visibility
  • Favourites
  • Archived