Visitors to your search page are able to create Availability Reports. Many clients also send Availability Reports to their broker list once a month. These reports use the information that appears on the search page, and includes the buildings/suites in any chosen filter. For example, a user may filter the search to show only vacancies for Industrial buildings in Alberta. They can choose to download a PDF that includes Thumbnail images or  Condensed(no images).
Samples of each format have been attached. The information included in the PDF's is taken from the information that has been included in the leasing pages. The Additional Rent is taken from the information added under the Specifications at the building level, and shows the costs for Utilities, Realty Tax, Operating Costs and Other Tenant Costs but not the total if the option chosen for the building is "Calculate Addional Total. If this option is deselected, and the Total Additional Costs field is filled, then the total amount will appear.

Alternatively, the Additional Costs can be added at the suite level. In this case, we recommend not adding the Additional Rent at the building level, or at least ensuring that the amounts are the same. The suite option is generally chosen if the Additional Rent differs depending on the suite type.